The professional couch Tere Funes gave an introductory talk in the SUM of our space before the prisoners who gathered to learn about this specialty and its scope.

She was also approached journalistically by our chronicler and these were some of her expressions for Liberté:

Couch and couching -Tere tells us- are the ways in which this specialization can be pronounced, she adds that both pronunciations are perfect and are different expressions.

She tells us that couching comes from a verb that is in English to couch, which in Spanish means to train and couch, means coach.

Couching is a professional discipline of assistance to people, either individually or in groups, so that they can achieve results, which by themselves they are not achieving, they are not achieving. There is a definition that has to do with couching, which is framed within the ICF -International Coaching Federation- to which I belong, -which is the largest federation in the world of professionals dedicated to coaching- that says that couching is a creative process of accompanying a client. What is a specialized process? That it is a conversation, also of accompaniment and the techniques and strategies used by coaching are based on asking and listening.

She went on to mention that the goal of coaching is to accompany a client in a creative process that invites reflection in a challenging way and that inspires this client to maximize her personal and/or professional potential.

"The couch is the one who facilitates this creative process, Tere Funes pointed out, adding that he facilitates this process of conversation and accompaniment with specialized strategies and specialized techniques of our profession." Above all, we work on the domain of being, of who we are being. The objective in the work of the couch is to produce changes in the way of seeing the world of that person with whom we are working, whom we are accompanying. How is that person observing the world? and the challenge is, that it can have a change to the possibility. That invites the possibility in the way that you can observe the world of him.

Regarding an example of what a couch does, Tere Funes told us: “it is to accompany your client in this creative process so that he can produce new learning. When I say new learning -continued the couch- for there to really be learning, we learn and we need to pass that theory, -what we learn in school for example-, through the body and also the emotions that we are feeling. When we can record them, what we call in couching an “insight” occurs (which is learning, realizing something that we did not realize before).
What the couch does is accompany his client, so that he can take that theory of what he knows, of what he considers he knows of what he feels, to practice and to a new interpretation of that information, in order to be able to adjust it and return to experiment. You can make mistakes again and that's where emotions come in through practice, then frustration can appear, surprise can appear, joy can appear when there are successes and as they arise in the experience, it is that the client is observing and detecting in his body and in his emotions that learning is acquiring. A change is taking place in his way of observing the world and of Being, in the face of the challenges that are presented to him in his life.

A very practical example of this is, for example, riding a bicycle, I can buy the bicycle, assemble the bicycle, be an expert in how the bicycle is assembled, read all the necessary instructions to ride a bicycle, but until I don't get on and get dizzy, and I don't find the balance in my body to be able to start pedaling, maintain that balance and start moving forward on that bike, I'm not going to be able to experience that learning.

It seems to me that this could be a didactic and valuable example, that having a bicycle, knowing about bicycles, is not the same as getting on that bicycle and riding it, that is, LEARNING to ride a bicycle.

With this analogy - Tere continued - this example of learning to be able to ride a bicycle: what is the role of the couch? … the couch is the one that is going to hold the bike while you get on, it is the one that is going to hold the bike until you learn to balance at first, it is the one that is going to give you a push when you need it, and once you learn to ride a bike, he is going to grab his own bike and he is going to ride a bike next to you, accompanying you, without evaluation, without pressure, without punishments or challenges for falls or mistakes.

The couch is the one that will always invite you to live and explore in that world to reach the objective, to reach a goal, from your inner world.

This is how it was expressed around our journalistic requirement, the professional coach Tere Funes, who is expected in April to be starting to offer learning sessions in the field of this specialty.

Source: Liberté