After the material for its construction arrived, it was possible to observe the progress of its assembly, which would only lack for the moment the nylon covering both the roof and its different sides.

Mauricio Navarro, technician from INTA Mar del Plata, timely approached by the reporter from CooperativaLiberté, stated that the structural part of the greenhouse is being finished, which has an extension of 14 x 30 meters, he also said that coverage and He went into more detail, commenting that the greenhouse is designed to have a chapel-style gable roof, with a maximum height of mts. 4 and at shoulder height, which would be the lowest part, mts. 2,20., clarifying that it is a typical style of the horticultural area of ​​Mar del Plata.

Regarding the chicken coop, he mentioned that the structure was being redesigned, announcing that there are 24 meters of covered chicken coop for egg production.

It should be noted that although details are still lacking for this advanced construction, it is expected that the total poultry space will be completed shortly.

He also pointed out with a message for different groups, that when you take material of any kind, color and species and you see that it is transformed into a product, that it is transformed into work that is transformed into food and is transformed and transformed, that gives desire to strive to get more resources, to present projects, to contribute from wherever we touch.

He extended and commented that this happens here in Liberté, when one contributes a simple leftover that someone left on the street, as if to make a substrate, be it tergopol or any container that we have brought and here, (for Liberté), it has become something positive, and it always worked out.

Today with the help of the University of Mar del Plata, with the contributions of the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation and INTA, through a project that was presented, it was possible to materialize this dream of having a greenhouse in Liberté to produce vegetables.

Source: Liberté cooperative