On the opportunity to approach the Batán prison to reach Liberté territory and offer another day of the “New Masculinities” workshop, the people from the Anti-discrimination Policies Directorate of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism, spoke with us.

On this occasion we journalistically address Claudia, who presents herself as a worker located in the Prison Program and highlights that along with the rest, she does so under the direction of Ornela Infante, while Lidia Pérez is in charge of the prison program. , of whom he recognizes that he has a lot of experience and has traveled the entire country trying to improve the quality of life of people deprived of their liberty, and emphasizes that they are only deprived of their liberty since he understands that this is not the case with the rest of the rights and marks some examples such as the right to sleep in a suitable place, eat well, spaces to develop politically, socially.

She takes the opportunity to talk about the impression that our space has made on her after having toured it together with the people who accompanied her and says: what I have experienced today is shockingly wonderful, I have no words, people outside think that people sleep here or it does nothing and we are gradually changing that way of seeing things and the transformation they have made as a cooperative, as an organization space, self-organization is incredible, it is wonderful, it is an example for many other spaces.

He adds that, from his various tours of other units, they have been able to verify that there are already some spaces where fundamental contributions are made in this search for the recovery of rights and now, after passing through Liberté, he will be able to tell about his lived experience, mentioning that the change it is possible, palpable, visible, that it is strong and has been developing day by day for many years.

All this serves as a boost to many other people deprived of liberty and they are also in the process of starting with everything that refers to the subject in question.

Rights vulnerability

He says that there are different manifestations of violation of rights observed in the different prisons visited, either because of the conditions of the buildings, the food that is consumed, the scant cleanliness of the spaces that are inhabited, and it is not because the people deprived of their liberty hang themselves in the chores, but rather it is due to revenge for something from the Service, in revenge for something they do not like, there is a lot of all that, we have experienced it with many authorities of the service and we are going for the fight with that from INADI and regrets recognizing that there are many prisons managed by the Service throughout the country and few resources, takes advantage of and highlights the work of the coordinator of the prison program, Lidia Pérez and also cites that at the time of transferring to a unit many times the resources are very low, but that it is not just about winning, because this task is also a militancy and adds that Lidia gets up and goes to bed thinking about the p derived from freedom and we learn that.

In these years that I have worked with Lidia, these tours, when they are done, when we are in the services, we manage to understand, take face-to-face evidence of what happens in the services, they do not go down to study, they do not take them to the doctor, they do not they get medication, there are people who are in pain for days on end and don't take them down for a doctor to see them, we participate in these things, this is a bridge that Lidia has made with these years of work and we have had to know how to work with the service for these things to reverse.

Definition of liberté

He said that “it is a community within this situation, each person who is here puts such a nice effort into it, because it is seen in everything you see, in everything, in the entire organization they have, for me what they do is exemplary ”.

Source: Liberte