After a long time, the renowned plastic artist and teacher Betina returned to the space, who did not spare praise for the construction of the cooperative.

Pandemic involved and personal situations kept her away for a while, from Liberté since long ago she was the trainer of plastic art in our space when greater spaces in meters and dignity had not yet been conquered.
That moment is always remembered, when at the culmination of one of the work days, after giving his teachings in Liberté, he passed by the front of the physical space that we occupy today and in a visionary act, he pointed out this place as the place to expand the progress of our body.
Regarding this, she pointed out that it was only a suggestion at that time, just a seed deposited.
She also told Prensa Liberté: I am very well and happy to see so many beautiful things built, so much change.
I am shocked by so many beautiful things that they have been able to build that I would never have imagined, so happy, I ate deliciously in a restaurant, (Peace Point), something unthinkable inside a prison, I saw the pond, the farmhouse, the workshop of sewing, carpentry, incredible what was built and unthinkable at some point, that they have been able to do so much in such a short time.
She recalled those times when she came to do painting and art activities, being a painting teacher, she also mentioned having worked under that aspect in pavilion number three, a special place inside the prison for being residents of more than fifty years of age. under a regime adapted to the behavior and age of prisoners of that characteristic, grateful for everything with the different activities and very happy to be able to come.
She mentioned having to go through a surgical intervention shortly and later return for whatever is available and she pointed out being able to contribute, to contribute, from her knowledge to Liberté.
Source: Liberte