Minga Cooperative was present at the Peace Round held in Liberté

The Bachelor of Tourism, Lucas, belongs to Cooperativa Minga, an entity close to Liberté, since he trained the members of our space, to know the potential of economic development, through a course. It is a cooperative entity made up of educators from Mar del Plata.

Very enriching, said Lucas at first, regarding the day indicated when asked how he took the experience.

He went on to say that it was very mobilizing, entertaining, and fun. In addition, he indicated that these are activities where you have fun, but at the same time you learn, you also keep thinking about how you act in your daily life.

And these are moments, to slow down a bit, pause, think and have fun, both for those who are inside and those who are outside, and that is gratifying.

He also told Prensa Liberté, "Today I felt that I was not in a prison, but that I was in another area with friends having fun, and having a good time, above all."

“Sometimes one has the prejudice of thinking of prison, as the place where there are always people who are serious all the time, always stressed, and today I saw people smiling, dancing, having fun, hugging, making ourselves available to each other in the activities where trust was fundamental and I saw that and I saw myself as one more being happy”, Lucas finally pointed out.

Source: Liberte