Liberté received a visit from the provincial director of Penitentiary Policy and Management, Dina Rossi, dependent on the Ministry of Justice of the province of Buenos Aires, she did so in the company of her collaborators.

The tour, projected from La Plata, was aimed at the Batán prison complex. We were, said the official, talking with the colleagues here in Liberté, who told us about the operation of the warehouse, about the workshops they have, we shared a moment, we greeted the staff and we learned about the various tasks, quoted the pcial director.

He also said regarding their work that they visit all the units in the province of Buenos Aires with their audit team, and intervention, with lawyers, professionals in the area, maintaining that they come to observe how the people deprived of their liberty are, making a tour of the accommodation spaces, administration areas, they talked with the staff, they also clarified that according to what they are seeing, they are the interventions they are carrying out.

She also said that unit 15 found her in general, fine. She also said that at this time of the year almost all the units have been visited more than once from her area because the teams in the territory are not only them, but there is a large work team.

He mentioned that everything that is the work of the inmates accompanied by institutions, as he has been able to verify from this Liberté and monitored by the SP, is always seen with good eyes, understanding that progress has been made in the Liberté area since all the proposals that were they maintain, and he said goodbye highlighting his support for what is being done today.

Source: Liberté Press