After the tour, she was enthusiastic in expressing herself around his lived experience, together with people who make up his cabinet.

Infante pointed out during his visit: "the truth is that it is a job that is pleasantly marveling at the organizational task carried out by Liberté, with the pampa at the head and so many comrades who have been carrying out this cooperative construction that does nothing more and nothing less than giving an answer to the colleagues who are deprived of their liberty, but also to their family."

They delivered a sewing machine.

The national reference of the Front for Equality of the Evita Movement, in addition, head of the Directorate of Policies and Practices against Discrimination, INADI, in the company of Alan Otto Prieto, member of the Board of Builders of the Province of Buenos Aires. Equality, Lidia Pérez, national head of Equality Evita Prisons, arrived at the production pole of our space in unit 15 of Batán and the authorities of our cooperative together with the workers of the textile production area, received a brand new sewing machine, which will serve to continue strengthening the productive unit already mentioned.

That is the important thing, since this is the first experience in Argentina and I would dare to say in Latin America and the Caribbean as well, because I am not aware of another similar experience, and above all raising the tasks of the workers of the popular economy.

When I went through this productive pole, from Liberté within the Batán penitentiary unit, I saw the work they carry out, the textiles, I saw the organic garden with all its products, without agrochemicals, nourished by their colors, and as someone from the countryside would see it. I can say that you can see the good treatment that the workers carry out, the experience of the restaurant, Punto de Paz, very important, with a supply of excellent meals.

The truth is that this demonstrates what we social movements have been saying for a long time, that social organization and cooperatives is a way of responding to what society calls security problems, because if today the prison units are full of people, housed is because of the social problem that the states do not solve, due to lack of work, education, lack of opportunities, and the Liberté Cooperative is doing that, is giving answers to those absences from the state.

I intend to promote them, (for Liberté), pointed out the national official of the state institution, National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism, although we already had the comrade Lidia Pérez from the INADI deprived of Liberty program, liberated, she Experience always counts, as does Alan who is the chief of staff of my management.

But now that I see it, I can feel it, it is something that should be implemented in all prison units, in the country or in the region, because it also helps, so that the colleagues can work, spend the hours of the day in this daily routine of prison life that they have to be.

And also so that when they regain their freedom, having achieved through practice in Liberté and attending different workshops, to be able to develop this knowledge to obtain their own economic support and/or that of their family, and not fall into recidivism.

Also having the opportunity to do what they like to do independently, because in popular economies, everything is new, not being under a pattern, with a dependency relationship, one can in that case carry out the tasks that they feel like doing. do really.

For me Liberté is the transformation within exclusion, the truth is that it is a job, pleasantly impressive what they carry out and the collective maturity, because the challenge of a cooperative, with an experience like Liberté's, which is nurtured by more than two hundred people has to do with this, with sizing that we are all equal, that we all deserve the same right, and of course have the same responsibilities.

So congratulate those who are receiving this report, so that they know the experiences and in the case of the inmates, to also join in because it is very important to know that, within these walls, there are also compañeros, with capacity, who think and who They project on other opportunities and with a thought for non-recidivism and so that when they are abroad there are equal opportunities and with the guarantees that any citizen needs to lead a dignified life.

Source: Liberté Press