A few hours after being recognized by the Argentine Association of Criminal Execution Judges as the engine of change for those who today find themselves in prison, another entity joins.
Victims for Peace, a group of crime victims created by the late judge Mario Juliano and an important arm of the Penal Thought Association, is involved in accompanying prisoners to achieve their integration into the social fabric and create spaces for peaceful coexistence. dream shared reciprocally by both spaces.
Accompanying this spirit, it has chosen to institutionally recognize the task that is carried out daily from the Liberté territory, which translates into constant actions of permanent growth.
Actions achieved by the prisoner himself, who, from self-management, seeks to rediscover his inalienable rights, among which is the natural recovery of values, since he only temporarily lost his freedom of movement.
At Liberté we work daily on cultivating that which makes our personality be molded for the better through principles, which are the basic foundation for coexistence between people, since its main objective is to promote respect between one another and others, even with those who fulfill the function of guarding us, with good dialogue, used as a basic communication and interaction tool.
In addition, we know that in this way we manage to guide our actions towards what is socially acceptable, resulting in a high moral level, which will help the development of the prison community, for when the reunion with the other side of the wall arrives.
Next, we transcribe the document received from the Victims for Peace group:
victims for peace
penal thought association
Quequén, January 3, 2023
In Penal Unit 15 of Batán, there is a self-managed enterprise for people deprived of their liberty who promote educational and work activities with the aim of building hope and with the dream, shared with our association, of being one more neighbor at the moment of recovering the freedom and not an ex-criminal.
Because we agree that it is one of the ways to reduce recidivism and contribute to citizen security.
And that is why we solve:
Declare the activities carried out in “Liberté” to be of institutional interest to Victims for Peace, and, consequently, compromise the dissemination and support that this association can develop from the institutional level for its concretion.
- Invite other governmental and non-governmental associations to issue similar statements.
Signed: Diana Marquez
National and International Coordinator
of Victims for Peace.
Source: Liberté Press