Liberté will no longer participate in the Batán Committee.

Taking a step to the side and remembering that idea of ​​Mario Juliano, which today we see is not fulfilled, we have decided not to participate in this "new committee" anymore, chaired by someone whom we visualize as the messenger articulated by the penitentiary leadership on duty.

Nothing more horrific for us to contemplate what a situation, by remembering a little we can understand that this is not the Committee that we dreamed of together with Criminal Judge Mario Juliano, godfather of Liberté, who understood that this was a powerful tool when it came to starting the solution to conflicts in prison and pacify it, through equal dialogue between prisoners and penitentiaries who sit at a table to discuss the issues in question.

The committee, said Juliano, should be driven by prisoners along with the Penitentiary Service, and this is not being done today.

Needless to say, it is not possible to visualize solutions, at least pragmatic ones, of those serious issues and all kinds of abuses that are appearing as diabolical loopholes that are still in force in the spirit of many jailers.

The most serious error of this leadership, which surely has partners who collaborated, was the total destruction of the Cabinet, the heart of the Batán committee.

From Liberté we will continue working with the main objective of ending punishment through punishment cages, isolation, and mini mailboxes (badly called their own cells).

Although we can say that the punishment had dropped noticeably in the Batán Prison, we now see that it began to increase in recent months.

We continue to believe that the Committee, the original, is the path to peace.

Our withdrawal is peaceful and we remain calm knowing that the civilians and organizations that remain in the Committee were all, at the time, proposed by Liberté to be part of the Committee, such as Diana, Josefina, Canela and Ricardo and also the companion Lidia proposed by Juliano, each one from their spaces and with their own points of view.

We are Liberty. Driven by Mario Juliano.
...building hope in hell itself...