In days of struggle to recover the inalienable natural rights, the dignity of human beings, from Liberté, we send a message of solidarity to those behind bars who daily carry out tasks within the framework of confinement without any remuneration, contrasting with rights acquired and recognized through a labor legislation, as expressed in a statement from the national state orbit where the PPN, National Penitentiary Prosecutor expresses the importance of establishing and fulfilling the necessary conditions so that detainees can access a job.

In this sense, it is mentioned that among the main institutional objectives is to publicize the intramural labor occupation, verify if the activities inside the prison generate training and productive jobs, and if they are developed in compliance with labor and social security legislation. .
A specific investigation on this subject carried out by the Penitentiary Prosecutor in 2017 offers a general overview of the way in which work activities are deployed within the prison system.
We have presented a national bill with the aim that prisoners have access to teleworking.
From Liberté we fight so that those who work making bread daily, cleaning sewers, pipelines, in workshops, general maintenance, orchards and others, are recognized in the workplace according to what has already been stated.
It is a priority that the necessary conditions are generated to strengthen the labor system in the context of confinement that guarantees decent wages, adequate working conditions and the incorporation of useful productive capacities for the moment of graduation.
Source: Liberte