News with the paperwork for concubines from the SPB HeadquartersThe prison pacification cabinet and referents received the visiting heads

On the morning of this last Monday, the cabinet coordinated by Nancy Caballero met again, and together with the representatives of the different pavilions of unit 15, they dealt with the different issues that afflict the residents of the prison in an effort to find an immediate response to the needs that have arisen, all this within the framework of an upcoming Committee assembly.

On this occasion, the heads of the visiting section, the Jorge Plaza and Lisandro Pertossi penitentiaries, chief and deputy chief, respectively, were present at the scene.

They made reference to the project for the construction of the lockers, about 135, which will help visitors not only to deposit their belongings there, but will also contribute to a more fluid entry.

The referents themselves proposed to gather the necessary supplies with which the spaces created for the comfort and security of the visitors in terms of belongings can be built, understanding how beneficial this will be for them and their visitors.

Changes in the income of concubines

Both Plaza and Pertossi informed about the project, a pilot test, for which minutes of permanent visits will be made.

It consists of documenting the union between the prisoner and his partner as concubines without the need to go through the legal paperwork as was usually done, the act would materialize in this case in the head of the unit.

It was also clarified that those who decide to cut the concubinage relationship and have the intention of presenting another concubine to the prison authorities for admission as a visitor, that they must not only cancel it as usual, but also now must wait for the income of the new concubine for the space of thirty days.

That waiting time was clarified, it is also valid in cases where it is the same concubine with whom the prisoner remained in concubinage and for different reasons had discharged her and then reinstated her as her visit.

When the prisoner reiterates the situation of deregistering his current concubine from entering the unit, for a second chance, this time the time to achieve admission will be extended for sixty days and for a third concubinage he must wait ninety days. for your entry.

Women who appear in the audience as friends, cousins, aunts, etc., will not be allowed to enter, it being understood that they are not linked by any visible family ties, such as their last name.

It was recalled that in the case of male visits, they enter the unit with a simple hearing for their authorization, regardless of the relationship with the prisoner.

And it was also made clear that to carry out the visit called "encounter", the concubines, there yes, must have everything required by that section, which includes the due legalization of concubinage, not serving for that purpose the act of permanent visit that would be carried out in the same headquarters.

Source: Liberté Press