This restaurant operates in the territory of the cooperative organization, managed one hundred percent by prisoners, inside the maximum security prison of Batán, in an unprecedented event.

For this occasion, invitations were sent to people and institutions related to the prison environment, especially victims.

From early on the arrival of visitors could be seen, to share the pleasant moment, together with Liberté's family, in principle they were received by space authorities, such as pampa, Carlitos and others, it should be noted that most of the attendees were victims gathered in the organization led by Diana Márquez.

The group that attended from Victims for La Paz was made up of: Alberto Siebenhaar, Sergio Nuñez, Constanza Setrini, Alejandra Álvarez, María Davalos, Damian Mereles, Alejandro David and Diana Márquez. It stands out from this situation that Mario, (Juliano), was the creator, ideologue of Victims for Peace.

Many of them, who live in different towns and provinces, were able to meet personally, just on this occasion, taking advantage of the pleasant event to not only celebrate this happy moment (the opening of the restaurant), but also delve a little more into what with regard to strengthening their relationships, among themselves but also with the prisoners of the place.

Then go to the workshops of this space located in the medium security sector of the prison, where the most beautiful mural in the world is located, which was designed by the plastic artist Juan Carlos Comperatore and the Necochea art school, proposed by very timely manner by those who are grouped in Victims for Peace, whose coordinator is the partner of Cooperativa Liberté, the notary public Diana Márquez.

There, in the sector already mentioned, where Liberté began, today there are leather goods workshops, carpentry workshops and a plant laboratory, which is technically advised by INTA.

It was possible to see the performance of the tasks that are achieved daily through the work already done in the different sectors.

Both pampa and Carlitos, both coordinators of Liberté, were also in charge of making a historical overview of the institution, fully managed from the start by prisoners, without overlooking the support of Mario Juliano and the subsequent accompaniment at the time, until the today of the victims, those who, although they speak of the fulfillment of the sentence, also speak in the same way that it must pass in circumstances of well-being to achieve an optimal restoration.

Later, continue with the tour of the different sectors, organic garden, warehouse, organic chicken coop, carpentry, library, textile sector, to finally reach the restaurant room where after words alluding to the place, the restaurant "Punto de Paz" was formally inaugurated.

The guests were able to share the tasting of a table of cold meats, pizzas and sandwiches of a tasty pork leg, accompanied by soft drinks and an exquisite cake for dessert.

Another member of Víctimas por La Paz, who is a rapper, also took the opportunity to liven up the day with his skills in urban expression.

The restaurant

This is an idea that has been embodied in reality after the proposal made opportunely by Victims for Peace and Liberté, with furniture and kitchenware, donated by Diana Márquez, betting on "restoration", since it has been thought that it is important that the prisoner can count on the possibility of living with situations similar to those that are usually lived outside the walls, aiming at a restoration of their lives so that at the moment it is their turn to be returning to their habitat, their city, their neighborhood, their home , do it restored, after having been imprisoned, but having been able to live that time of sentence in the closest thing to life that can be done outside the walls, working, training in the different workshops, courses of various specialties and enjoying the space that today is a powerhouse of opportunities, Liberté, such as when sitting in a room, where food is served, where you can ask another colleague who works as a waiter, a letter with the menu of the day or other meals prepared by gastronomic workers, who also work in this place, all the action developed, similar to what is experienced in any point of any city. This is a true "restorative" example.

For example, the possibility of going to a restaurant and sharing moments with friends sharing a meal and perhaps in the future you can receive family, friends or also those who visit Liberté on a daily basis, as expressed in a recent report by Prensa Liberté who has been an alma mater.


Entre lxs invitadxs, tal como lo dijimos, se encontraban entre otros, víctimas y distintos integrantes del organismo Víctimas por La Paz, Alejandro David, quien cumple funciones en el Juzgado de Ejecución de San Martín, Claudia Cassinelli, trabajadora textil, Luz Mirella, quien actualmente capacita sobre costura a presos trabajadores del taller de costura, Canela Bella, de la organización Proyecto Mecha, Roberto Gandolfi de la agrupación Evita, Iris Garzón y Adolfo Javier Christen, quienes trabajan en la Defensoría Pública de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y también como vice presidente, integra la Asociación, creada por el desaparecido físicamente, Juez Mario Juliano, Pensamiento Penal, estuvo presente también, Lisi, viuda del mencionado juez, a quien desde Liberté, se le sigue atribuyendo el cargo de padrino del espacio, Ricardo Augman, perteneciente a la Procuraduría Penitenciaria de la Nación y trabaja en el programa “Marcos de Paz”, Ani Acevedo, facilitadora de diálogo en el contexto de encierro, dentro del programa, “Probemos hablando”, Lidia Pérez y Claudia, representante de INADI, Eleonora Suárez de ACIFAD, representantes del INTA, Silvia Pessolano y Mauricio Navarro, ex integrantes de Liberté, hoy en condición de liberados, el vecino y colaborador permanente Mauricio Alfredo Tótaro, Nancy Caballero, Julieta Torres, ambas trabajadoras sociales en él SP, Pablo Bricker, trabajador radiofónico, Patricio, colaborador de Liberté en gastronomía, Patricia Taja quien fuera donante de las máquinas industriales de nuestra carpintería, Adrián Eche y Damián Bor, Jimena Falco, quien se desempeña en Unidad de Letrados Móviles 1 de Ejecución de CABA, (DGN), presos trabajadores del espacio, socios fundadores de Cooperativa Liberté y directivos de la entidad, entre ellos Matías Tótaro, Xavier Aguirreal, Carlos Tótaro y Diana Márquez, de la organización Víctimas por la paz.

Fuente: Prensa Liberté