
Milagros Moya from INAES, on the Liberté experience: "it is neither more nor less than advancing in the conquest of rights"
As a work cooperative, Liberté received the national registration certificate granted by INAES.
A few hours ago, the president of our work cooperative, "pampa", received the certification document as an entity registered with INAES, (National Institute of Associations and Social Economy), from the hands of the national government official, the specialist in cooperatives and mutuals, the lawyer, Milagros Moya.
The brief, but significant act of delivery, took place in our territory and was received with joy among those present, prior to it a tour of the place, allowed the delegation to observe the work of our space and later, a shared lunch at the restaurant, Punto de Paz, belonging to our space.
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Javier Cáceres, Deputy Chief of the SPB: "It is a joy to be able to learn about this undertaking, which has been carried out with so much sacrifice, with so many obstacles along the way"
The second in command, from the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service, spoke out in favor of the work of our space, after meeting him in person.
Accompanied by his team and the prison chiefs of the East Complex, and the units that make it up, Liberté arrived in our territory, being received by the management of our cooperative and the productive pole, in this case, "pampa y carlitos". president of the institution and secretary, respectively.
Regarding our work cooperative, the high prison chief spoke about the ups and downs that he knew how to overcome since the dawn, but that today, he is seeing its fruits, and said:
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The prison chief Areses, in his passage through free territory, defined the work of self-management as notable advances
The Chief of the Penitentiary Service of the province of Buenos Aires, Dr. Xavier Areses, arrived at unit 15 of Batán, and entered the Liberté territory, where after touring it, he was able to verify the progress of the daily self-management of our entity.
In dialogue with Prensa Liberté, he pointed out: we are touring, seeing the notable advances that have been registered in different areas of activities, which they develop and very happy and very satisfied with everything that has been done, which gives us the strength to continue developing this. I think that there has been a very interesting synergy between different areas of society, which somehow collaborate, contribute ideas, INTA, with all its training, it is incredible how the garden has grown, it is incredible how the textile workshop has grown, as the path to follow has been widening.
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Ornella Infante: "Liberté is transformation, within exclusion"
After the tour, she was enthusiastic in expressing herself around his lived experience, together with people who make up his cabinet.
Infante pointed out during his visit: "the truth is that it is a job that is pleasantly marveling at the organizational task carried out by Liberté, with the pampa at the head and so many comrades who have been carrying out this cooperative construction that does nothing more and nothing less than giving an answer to the colleagues who are deprived of their liberty, but also to their family."
They delivered a sewing machine.
The national reference of the Front for Equality of the Evita Movement, in addition, head of the Directorate of Policies and Practices against Discrimination, INADI, in the company of Alan Otto Prieto, member of the Board of Builders of the Province of Buenos Aires. Equality, Lidia Pérez, national head of Equality Evita Prisons, arrived at the production pole of our space in unit 15 of Batán and the authorities of our cooperative together with the workers of the textile production area, received a brand new sewing machine, which will serve to continue strengthening the productive unit already mentioned.
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